You don’t need to convince everyone

…you won’t anyway. People are actually pretty tough to influence and most people are fairly set in their ways. But don’t worry, companies are built and elections won on influencing just the part of the population that is available to influence.

It becomes extremely important, then, to figure out what ‘thing‘ will affect that segment that is influence-able and then put that knowledge to work; sort out the past to find the patterns. Only then can you make the right offer, the right request for donation or vote to the right person at the right time.

The opening drive of the game is knowing the population well enough to understand the factors that matter. Even more important is using that understanding to anticipate when and how to react. This is the piece that is often overlooked; all of the understanding in the world won’t help if I can’t put it to use.

Great understanding, anticipation and action doesn’t mean all of the dominos fall. It means the right amount of energy makes the right dominos fall more often. Unless you’re selling Coca Cola, that’s enough for success.

Making it work

Doctors can know which patients need intervention (influence) the most to avoid readmission. Retailers can know which customers will respond to particular offers more often. Candidates can know which voters can be convinced to come to their side. It starts with understanding, it relies on anticipation, and it ends with action…the right message to the right person at the right time.

You don’t need to convince everyone. That’s the reality of influence in today’s information-rich world.

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Categories: BPM, Data Analytics / Big Data, Patterns / Rules / Events, Selling

Author:Chris Taylor

Reimagining the way work is done through big data, analytics, and event processing. There's no end to what we can change and improve. I wear myself out...

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4 Comments on “You don’t need to convince everyone”

  1. Ethel the Frog
    August 3, 2012 at 3:03 pm #

    Which is all right, except that the people who matter to you are the ones who choose and pay for the new way of working. The people who have the new way of working imposed on them are precisely the people that you can’t be bothered with. I can’t think of a more certain way of creating an unhappy, disgruntled and angry work force.

    • August 3, 2012 at 3:22 pm #

      Ethel, I don’t follow your comment. The blog was about the customer base, not the workforce.

  2. September 26, 2012 at 12:47 pm #

    Nice and succinct: thanks for the little shot of clarity.


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